International Albinism Awareness Day

 Respecting and Empowering people with Albinism

 15 June 2023

By: Pule Moneri

 International Albinism Awareness Day is a day to consider the challenges experienced by the people with albinism and to stand against the prejudice that usually afflicts their lives. It is a chance to support their rights and encourage acceptance in the community. One person, Thabiso Mokoena, bravely expressed his story on Facebook and claimed his identity as a person with albinism, and not someone living with albinism. He brings light on the significance of appreciating the value of every person, regardless of their skin colour.

Thabiso's story serves as an inspiration to the value of self acceptance and self determination. He admitted to having faced discrimination for two years, but he still managed to stay strong and fearless. Thabiso refuses to be minimised in a culture that always seeks to categorise and limit people based on their appearance. His declaration, "I am the light of the nation," serves as a theme for International Albinism Awareness Day, which is that people with albinism are not to be pitied or mocked but rather recognised and respected for their contributions to society.

 The world must acknowledge that people with albinism have the same rights, dignity, and respect as everyone else. Albinism is a hereditary disorder, which affect the melanin production, and people with this condition have lighter skin, hair, and eyes. However, it does not make them less of human or their right to be treated equally. To embrace tolerance and a respect for the diversity that makes our world what it is today, our society must refrain from posing prejudice and superstitions.

 According to Albinism Society of South Africa (ASSA), people with albinism encounter a variety of challenges, both seen and unseen by other people. Due to highly rooted myths and superstitions, they frequently experience prejudice, exclusion, and even violence. It is up to us all as the society to disregard these false statements and promote an accepting culture. Education is very important in making people aware or teaching them about the albinism. People can reduce prejudice by spreading awareness and fostering empathy by the sharing their stories like Thabiso.

 The goal of equality for people with albinism requires respect and empowerment at its core. It calls on us to acknowledge and honour their successes, skills, and goals. It entails promoting diverse policies that ensure their access to opportunities in social, economic, and medical development. It allows us to address any kind of prejudice or bullying they may experience. If everyone adheres to these principles, we build a culture in which everyone is cherished and appreciated for who they are as a person, regardless of the colour of their skin.

 International Albinism Awareness Day serves as a reminder of the challenges for equality and justice. Let us use this day to inspire action and serve as a reminder that our words, deeds, and attitudes have the potential to create a world that values diversity and acknowledge the unique beauty of each person. Let us work together to promote acceptance, moving away from mocking and ensuring that people with albinism receive the respect and dignity they are due.



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